31 October 2023
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For the past 17 years, the World Luxury Awards have honoured the world’s best travel and spa destinations. Austria’s Ayurveda Resort Mandira was awarded two of the coveted  industry ‘Oscars’ this year: Global Winner Best Luxury Healing Retreat & Global Winner Best Luxury Alternative Healing Spa.

Like Athens’ gleaming Acropolis, all faces were alight on Saturday 28 October 2023, almost competing with the stars in the night sky – and the trophies: the World Luxury Hotel & Spa Awards, presented for the 17th time during a glittering awards gala hosted by the Grand Hyatt Athens. For 17 years, the World Luxury Awards have hosted the industry’s best on their red carpet. These are organisations that offer their specific target groups unique experiences, exceptional offers, the best concepts and, above all, outstanding service, including in the areas of health and prevention. In 2023, the Global Best Healing Retreat and Alternative Healing Spa awards went to the Ayurveda Resort Mandira! Nestling in Styria’s thermal spa region – Austria’s green heart – this extraordinary resort and its Holistic Ayurveda & Beyond concept are dedicated to health and prevention. The gorgeous location certainly promotes wellbeing, but mostly it’s the unique concept developed by Holistic Ayurveda & Beyond mastermind, Christina Mauracher.

Fotocredits: The World Luxury Awards | marketing deluxe

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World Luxury Awards 2023 for the Ayurveda Resort Mandira

‘We create the space and framework our guests need to find balance. The Mandira provides the calm environment, and Holistic Ayurveda & Beyond the support for a centring experience. The desire to find our true selves amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life is at the top of so many agendas today. We accommodate this longing with Holistic Ayurveda & Beyond,’ says Christina Mauracher. ‘We love that our concept helps us identify our guests’ needs, and to accompany them on a path towards their objectives. And now, it’s our guests’ votes that have gifted us these wonderful awards – we are over the moon! Even greater is the gratitude we owe our fantastic staff. They give their all daily, providing our guests with all the benefits of Holistic Ayurveda & Beyond with skill, sincerity and understanding. We are indescribably happy about these awards.’

  • Global Winner Best Luxury Healing Retreat
  • Global Winner Best Luxury Alternative Healing Spa
  • Best Luxury Holistic Retreat in Europa
  • Best Luxury Ayurveda Spa in Europa

‘Travellers today increasingly value experiences over possessions and are willing to invest in unique, authentic, and immersive travel experiences. It is with the unwavering commitment of dedicated staff that guests can enjoy this.

We congratulate the 2023 winners who have worked hard and tirelessly to be successful in a very competitive industry,’ said Jana Stoman, World Luxury Awards’ Executive Manager.

World Luxury Awards

The World Luxury Awards 2023 were presented on 28 October 2023 in the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Athens. More than 3,200 hotels, spas, restaurants and tourism specialists from all over the world were nominated. The World Luxury Awards were founded in 2006 by former hotel manager Brandon Lourens in South Africa. His objective was to create an international award and platform for pioneers, exemplary representatives and specialists in the upscale hotel industry. Over the past 17 years, an elaborate process has been developed to assess infrastructure, concept and product, as well as quality of implementation and service. The rating has also been adapted to reflect the changing demands and needs of both guests and industry. The Luxury Award Trophies are now awarded not only to hotels, but also to spas since 2010, to restaurants since 2015, and to travel and tourism companies since 2020. The nomination process begins with entrants applying in the categories that best represent their unique selling points. The World Luxury Commission selects the nominees based on official guest reviews. In the subsequent four-week public balloting phase, international travellers, guests and industry representatives around the world cast their votes. The awards are presented at global, continental, national and regional levels.

Holistic Ayurveda & Beyond

‘Holistic Ayurveda offers us the freedom and expertise to actively shape our health,’ says Christina Mauracher. ‘We do this with tools that provide access to millennia of experience as well as contemporary holistic, preventive and restorative remedies. This unique synergy ventures far beyond conventional therapies and treatments, tackling the roots of society’s day-to-day challenges, especially with regard to the effects of today’s lifestyle. Beyond Ayurveda combines this preventative advantage with the latest scientific findings and methods, as well as established conventional medicine and integrated holistic approaches. Combined with nutrition, treatments and emotional health programmes, we open up new vistas on prevention and cures which start in the smallest cells and culminate in the way we feel and act.’

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marketing deluxe GmbH

Amy Rose

Tannenberggasse 2/G1, 6130 Schwaz, Austria

marketing deluxe GmbH

Amy Rose

Tannenberggasse 2/G1,
6130 Schwaz, Austria

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